Custom Earrings

Below you will find examples of custom earrings we have created for your reference and inspiration. If you already have a custom ornament or magnet with us, ask us if we can turn it into an earring!

Getting Started: 

Want to get started on custom earrings? Fill out this form: Earrings, and then email us at to let us know that you have filled it out and are ready to get started on your order. 

Customization Process:

  1. Size? When ordering custom, you must order in run sizes. Your initial custom order will have a larger run size than reorders, and the run sizes depend on what size and shape of earring you would like. Give us an approximate dimension for the size of earring you would like, and about how many you are interested in ordering.
  2. Colors or Artwork: If you have an image that you would like on the earring, it will be full color and look just like the image. If you would like them stained a certain color, we have a wide variety of colors to choose from. Refer to the Earrings form for more information regarding colors. 

Once Lance has all the information he needs to get started on your custom, we will charge a $50 one-time custom setup fee. This setup fee allows us to create a high-quality custom and will give you to opportunity to revise the virtual proof that we will send within 5-10 business days. 

After we are happy with your virtual proof, we will inform you of the exact run size, and you can place your order! If you order 100 or more of 1 custom earring design, we will waive your $50 setup fee!

The typical wholesale cost of custom earrings is $4.25-5.45.

(The below items are just examples of custom work - they may not be purchased by anyone but the company that we made them for.)

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